Hello! We are so happy that you are inquiring about the team. Below are some common questions. We would love for you to come and visit a practice or competition.
Please reach out to us if you would like to figure something out! We look forward to meeting you, and are excited about you potentially becoming a part of our Blugold family!

How do I tryout for the team?
We have both spring and fall tryouts/evaluations either in person or submitted by video. During the spring, we allow athletes to submit a tryout video. Due date is May 10th 2025. this includes a jump sequence, tumbling, stunting, a cheer, and any other skills you would like to include. This makes you eligible to attend our summer bootcamp which gives athletes a chance to get to know the team early. We then do fall tryouts open to any UWEC student to tryout for the team.

What is the tryout process? Spring/Winter:
We have spring/winter clinics/tryouts.
Spring tryouts- Saturday May 10th, 2025 11:00am to 1:00pm
Registration Form: Spring High School Prep & Try Out Clinic Registration
Clinics- September and December
*watch on social media for more information!
During the clinic a tryout evaluation can be assessed either during the clinic or by a video submission sent to our Blugold Email or Facebook account.
We usually go through a series of stations to see how fast athletes are able to pick up on cheers, dances, jumps, and stunting. Also, we ask athletes to showcase any tumbling and flexibility they may have.

What if I only would like to do sideline?
Depending on the year, we may have both a competition team and a sideline team. The competition team also cheers at all football games and some basketball games. We determine after tryouts how many teams we would like to make. The past two years we have only had a competitive team.

What are the required skills for the team?
Tumbling and stunting experience is strongly encouraged but not required. We have had numerous people with gymnastics or dance experience that were new to cheer on the team. It's always encouraged to have a background in cheer but we accept strong athletes that are eager to lear also.

When are practices?
We practice every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:45pm-10:00pm and every Sunday from 7:00pm-10:00pm.

Where do you compete?
We compete mostly in Wisconsin or Minnesota but have made our way to Nashville, Chicago, Myrtle Beach, and Florida! Competition Teams will compete at NCA College Nationals in Daytona Beach, FL.

How Often do you compete?
We have done up to five competitions every year, one including a bigger trip our of the state. Also, we have many competitions for both dance and cheer across the state.

What is the time commitment?
Practices are mandatory along with any team bonding event, competition, and fundraiser. We only practice three times a week so the time commitment isn't that extreme. There is still time to be a normal college student and, of course, time for homework.

Where do you practice?
We usually practice at our coaches all star gym, EXA Sports. We have two spring floors and numerous other equipment to work with. Also, all tumbling classes are free for athletes to attend.

What sports do you cheer for?
We cheer at all home football games and a few home basketball games.

What is the cost?
We try to keep things as cheap as possible for athletes because we understand that college kids nomrally don't have a lot of extra spending chas. I would say the first year the cost is close to $500-$800 plus the coast of the trip but don't let that number scare you. We spread out payments all throughout the year and there are plenty of fundraising oppertunites, and have worked really hard at purchasing uniforms to rent, and other ways to lower costs. also, once you buy a uniform and warm ups, you likley will not have to buy them again for the next four years.